Social Enterprise Places
A proud history of social enterprise development made Blackpool the ideal place to develop the idea of Social Enterprise Places. Social Enterprise Solutions CIC celebrated the rise of social enterprise at a Town Hall event in 2008.

All Social Enterprise Places are demonstration zones to show how social enterprise can transform communities. They raise the profile of social enterprise amongst the general population and share ideas with other Social Enterprise Places. Social Enterprise Places are areas where social enterprise activity is thriving. From quarters, towns, cities and zones – areas around the UK are declaring themselves as social enterprise places committed to investing in the sector.
Social Enterprise Solutions can:
- Help prepare an area to become an accredited social enterprise place
- Assist with the application

In the summer of 2013, Alston Moor became the worlds first Social Enterprise Place, soon followed by Bristol, Plymouth, Digbeth and Cornwall.
Whether it is grass-roots events to help local people, employment initiatives or big ideas like Social Enterprise Places, the team is committed to helping communities to achieve more.

Oxfordshire is the first county in Britain to be officially named as a ‘Social Enterprise Place’ by Social Enterprise UK. Oxfordshire is committed to growing social enterprise communities across the county by bringing together the local councils, universities, businesses, charities, budding social entrepreneurs and local residents.
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister MP, David Cameron, said: “It’s fantastic that Oxfordshire is the first county to become a Social Enterprise Place – a beacon of social enterprise activity. Social enterprises trade to tackle some of the greatest challenges we face, from unemployment to food waste.”
To find out more use the link below:

All Social Enterprise Places are demonstration zones to show how social enterprise can transform communities. They raise the profile of social enterprise amongst the general population and share ideas with other Social Enterprise Places. Social Enterprise Places can vary in size from a village to a whole city. Every Social Enterprise Place needs to form a steering group and map its social enterprises.
The application must demonstrate substantial social enterprise activity and a plan for future growth. There is currently no fee for the registration of a Social Enterprise Place.
To find out more use the following link: Social Enterprise Places