Welcome to Dr!ve

Have You Got a Business Idea But Need Help Getting it Off The Ground?

DR!VE is an ambitious plan to support more than 200 new-start and existing businesses to grow in Lancashire over the next two years. Social Enterprise Solutions is partnering with the Social Enterprise Lancashire Network, Selnet, and our team of qualified business advisors will help to turn good business plans into business for good. How can we help?

A friendly and approachable advisor will spend time supporting you to increase the chances of your new business thriving and surviving. That could include explaining the basics of business if you’ve decided to work for yourself for the first time, perhaps linking you with potential partners or helping with market research. Get in touch with us to find out more.

Need Help With Making Your Existing Business Grow?

We’re here to help get businesses moving in Lancashire. How can we help?

A friendly and approachable advisor will spend time supporting you and your team to increase the chances of your business thriving and surviving. That could include linking you with potential partners or helping with market research so that your existing business can grow. Or, perhaps you need some advice on moving premises and taking on more staff. Alternatively, you may need to consider changes your products and services in the post-Covid world.

Our Help Will Cost You Nothing Because it's Funded

In addition to everything mentioned above, Selnet will be arranging a series of masterclasses with expert speakers to guide participants through common business hurdles such as finance, administration and marketing/social media.

The support is bespoke to your organisation and at no cost to you as it is funded by the European Regional Development Fund with support from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

See if You Qualify

PHONE  TONY CARR NOW at Social Enterprise Solutions on 01253 344123


See if we can help

Phoning us will cost you nothing and much of what we do for qualifying groups is funded. So why not find out what kind of FREE support your group is entitled to?

Social Enterprise Solutions has been a leading member of our national infrastructure support organisation since 2008 and they have directly contributed to the development of SEUK in a number of ways; director, Clive Hirst, continues to provide a valuable contribution in his voluntary capacity as a council member. In addition, SES has developed a Social Enterprise Town concept collaboratively with Liverpool Hope University, ourselves and other key partners.

We would consider SES as responsible thought leaders in the development of the social enterprise sector

Peter Holbrook CBE
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